Monday, September 10, 2018

Kevala Retreat Center in September

La Crosse area Friends: Wednesday meditation & Dhamma inquiry - September 12th and September 26th -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th
(see important details below)

The torrential rains are over, for now, and we are in drying out mode. Many of us are also involved with repairing and rebuilding. Often, we want to return things to how there were we before or how we believe them to have been. Whether it be rebuilding a house in a flood plain, rehabbing the basement though it is likely to flood again next year, or holding onto a relationship that for years hasn't been what we thought it was, what motives drive such seemingly default responses?
  • What about the seeming status quo feels comfortable, reassuring, or right?
  • What forms of desire feed on such appearances, feelings, and assumptions?
  • Which meditation practices and wisdom teachings help you encounter realities more directly and forthrightly? 
We have the church's permission to meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, plus 5th Wednesdays when they occur. October 31st is a 5th Wednesday.

For New Meditators!  Let us know in advance and Santikaro can arrange to meet at 6:00 pm to give basic meditation instructions. Follow up instruction can also be arranged. Just reply to this email.

These teachings fall within the framework of the noble eightfold path and middle way, which are guided by the four ennobling realities. In the original presentation, the path is a harmonious weaving of 8 strands of Rightness, Intelligence, and Skill that culminates in True Knowing and Liberation. We regularly ask how the path can ground and guide us midst the challenges, storms, and provocations swirling around us and inside us. What are the realities of being mindful, kind, responsive, undistracted, and imperturbable midst the sorrows and the joys of this life we are given each day?

 Location information -- Important!  The church doors are usually locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock loudly if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St. 

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion. In winter, bring a blankie.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us.

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at

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