Sunday, April 30, 2017

Liberation Park Guest House news

After Guest House construction we are open for retreat
Please join us in the valley this year. 

Dear Friends of Liberation Park,
We would like to formally invite you to join us again for quiet retreat, healing, contemplation, meditation and study in this beautiful valley. With a HUGE thank you to the more than 320 individual and group donors, Guest House construction is complete.
Beginning May 15th we can schedule your retreat time and look forward to seeing each of you here. 
The forest hermitage, and two canvas cabins continue to await you in the valley. An additional two guest spaces - one in the guest house and one nearby - are also available for less rustic retreat. The Guest House itself provides kitchen, bath, laundry, library and covered deck areas.
Send us an email and we'll get you on the schedule for some much needed peaceful practice and study time.

As with any construction project there are a myriad of little finishing items, as well as extensive landscaping, clean up and maintenance to accomplish this year. If you'd like to participate in the finishing work, volunteers are also welcomed at all times!
With Much Gratitude,
Santikaro, Jo Marie & all The Valley inhabitants.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 27 retreat: Weathering Life's Storms

Weathering Life's Storms: Wisdom, Courage and Skills for Real Challenges
Thursday, April 27, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday, April 30, 12:00 p.m.

There are still some openings to attend the Insight Chicago spring retreat with Santikaro in the beautiful grounds of the Portiuncula Center for Prayer, 9263 West St. Francis Road, Frankfort, IL.  To register for the retreat click here.
The theme of this retreat is Weathering Life's Storms: Wisdom, Courage and Skills for Real Challenges. Many of us have been experiencing the current political situation as a major storm in our lives, one that swirls us around chaotically. And many of us are also experiencing storms of a more personal nature at the same time, adding to the stress. For a more detailed description of the retreat, you can click here.

Questions?  Contact the retreat manager at
Ride-sharing:  If you need a ride or can offer a ride, please

April 2 - Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche Sangha

This is a reminder of the Monthly Meditation Group that will meet at our home this Sunday, April 2nd from 10:30am - noon. We plan to begin reading the first chapter of Dzigar Kongtrul's first book, It's Up To You with time for discussion after a 30 minute meditation period.

If you are new to this group, you can find more details at our page on this blog.

Please let me know if you are planning to attend and if you prefer a chair or cushion for meditation.

Thank you and hope to see you there.