Sunday, August 27, 2017

Liberation Park August 30 meditation

a Crosse area Friends: Wednesday meditation & Dhamma inquiry
August sessions:  30th at Wesley UMC  
August 30th -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th (see important details below)

August has 5 Wednesdays, so we decided to meet again the end of the month for our usual silent meditation and conversation on aligning our lives with the Dhamma of Awakening and the practice of the Middle Way.

We agreed to continue with The Instruction to Malunkyaputta (SN 35.95), which gets to the heart of mindfulness, whether seeing, hearing, experiencing, or thinking. What is the secret of simply experiencing this moment such that "just this is the end of suffering"? Hint: Something like not piling on with cogitations and stories. We will further explore practical steps for bringing this simple, profound core teaching into daily life: in the seen, just see; in the heard, just hear; in the experienced, just experience, in knowing, just know.
No need to be here or there or in between. 
 These teachings fall within the framework of the noble eightfold path and middle way. We often ask how the path can ground and guide us midst the challenges, storms, and provocations swirling around us and inside us. What are the realities of being mindful, kind, responsive, undistracted, and imperturbable midst the sorrows and the joys?

In the original presentation, the path is a harmonious weaving of 8 strands of Rightness that culminates in Right Knowing and Liberation.

Location information -- Important! 
The church doors will be locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St. 

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. A donation is also made to the church for kindly hosting us.

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at

Next sessionsSeptember 6th and 20th.

Liberation Park, PO Box 205, Norwalk, WI 54648

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Two Madison events in October

Two Unique Opportunities
Events With Matthieu Ricard On October 24 


A Life In the Dharma:
Reflections On the Path of Awakening

In this daylong retreat, Matthieu will share the inspirations that have shaped his journey, including important insights and practical advice on the cultivation of compassion and the practice of meditation. With his characteristic warmth and wisdom, he will share his personal experiences on the path, as well as lead periods of meditation and discussion. Matthieu will soon be entering a period of semi-retirement, so this is a rare opportunity to spend time with this remarkable person.

Matthieu RicardDate/Time/Location:
October 24:  9:00am — 4:00pm
UW-Madison Gordon Commons Event Center
Madison, Wisconsin


Visit our website for more details and logistics.

Transforming the Mind:
Scientific and Buddhist Perspectives On the Science of Well-Being
— A Discussion With Dr. Richard Davidson

This discussion is a unique opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading experts on meditation and the science of transforming the mind. The work of these individuals has shaped the way we view the mind, brain, and our capacity to cultivate awareness, compassion, and wisdom. The evening will include a dialogue between Mr. Ricard and Dr. Davidson, and an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

October 24:  7:00pm — 9:00pm
UW Madison Gordon Commons Event Center
Madison, Wisconsin


Visit our website for more details and logistics.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sounds True $1 Sale

Sounds True is having a Pearls and Practices Sale -Some of their most popular core teachings from different traditions for $1