Monday, January 30, 2017

Liberation Park update

La Crosse area Friends meditating & exploring on Wednesdays
upcoming sessions:  February 1st & 15th at Wesley UMC  
February 1st & 15th -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th
(see important details below).

Following up our last discussion, let's consider these questions:
  • What ways do you know for opening dialogue, sharing, and exchanging across difference?
  • How can we effectively learn about the experiences, perspectives,understanding, and views of others, especially those who have significant differences with us, and in a balanced, fair way convey our own experiences, perspectives, understanding, and views?
  • Are there situations where it isn't worth the effort?
In keeping with our continuing focus on the noble eightfold path of practice, keep in mind guidelines for wise, skillful speech; wise view and understanding; and skillful aim.

Please reflect on your own past experiences when it was possible to have meaningful exchanges -- not necessarily agreement or comfort -- midst significant difference, whether religious, educational, political, age, or whatever.

Location information -- Important!  The church doors will be locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St. 

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome.

This link is to a sample sutta/teaching outlining the path and its factors.
  A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at

Next sessionsFebruary 15th, March 1st, and March 15th.

Mindfulness and Challenging Times

Sounds True is offering a free talk on Mindfulness in Challenging Times as part of a year-long course with some of the leading mindfulness teachers in the US including Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Tara Brach. You will need to register with an email address to get the link to the free talk.

The introductory talk is free. Beyond that, there is a cost to participate in the full online course.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

February 5 - Live stream

A live broadcast of the Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche's talk, "The Vajrayana Art of Joie De Vivre," will be screened in La Crosse at 11 a.m. on Sunday, February 5 at the home of Sharon Lukert, 1832 22nd Street South (La Crosse), as part of the monthly time of meditation and study based on the teachings of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, a Tibetan teacher in the Nyingma Lineage.

In addition, the group will begin reading and discussing It's Up to You: The Practice of Self-Reflection on the Buddhist Path.

For more details, please email Sharon or call her at 563-794- 1244.


There is a thriving and growing Buddhist community in the La Crosse area. Let us introduce ourselves, connect, share, and grow together. We hope this site can help. Please check the calendar when scheduling or seeking out events (Wednesdays are covered!) Please let us know if you have an event, community, or link to add.

We will try to post news of workshops, retreats, classes, and other events in our area. Please email to let us know what is missing or to request permission to blog here.