Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche group changes schedule, focus

We are moving the date to the third Sunday of each month regularly, as holidays tend to fall on the first of the month throughout the year.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, January 20th from 10:30 - noon at our house.

We are moving the shrine room upstairs to eliminate the concern with the stairs. We will expand the range of articles or readings shared, encourage asking questions about the various lineages represented in the group and perhaps share the various meditation instructions from the different traditions. 

I have not decided on a reading or topic for this next meeting in January yet, so if you have something you would like to suggest, please let me know. Sharon (champa_c@hotmail.com)

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Family Mindfulness at FSC

Living Calm in the Chaos: A Family Series Developing Mindfulness and Presence

Monday, Jan 7, 2019 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Trish Johnson and Sensei Paul Kisho Stern

Nine-week series for families, meeting on Monday evenings. How do we function and even thrive when life is hectic, unpredictable and chaotic? As parents, how do we help nurture and cultivate a family culture that embraces life in all its busyness and stress while remaining open to the joy and presence of everyday living?

This new program meets on Monday evenings for nine weeks and is designed to bring families closer together, reduce stress and develop self-awareness, resiliency and gratitude. Using age-appropriate curriculum, adults and children will learn through experiential practices based in mindfulness; for example, mindful breathing, qi gong, yoga, walking the labyrinth and body scanning.

We will discuss various ways of expressing ourselves, managing our personal and family lives, and being present to each other. This program is designed for youths ages 7-12 and their families. Child care will be provided for those who do not meet the age requirement for the program. Scholarships are available if cost is a barrier.

Click for more info and registration

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Daniel will be holding Thursday evening mindfulness meeting from 6-8 pm. The group will be using The reading will be from Meditation 2 by Ajahn Thanissaro.
 Please let Daniel know by replying to him on this email. dwiduch@uwlax.edu 
He will print out the chapter if you let him know you are coming.

It will be Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. Conference room 2A. Gundersen in Onalaska, WI 

December meditation opportunities

Onalaska Mindfulness Group: Sunday, December 9 at Gundersen Clinic in Onalaska from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. We are using “Meditation” by Ajahn Thanissaro. We will start with The Interactive Present page 21. RSVP vsongsir@aol.com if you are planning to join us. Please go to www.mindfulnesslacrossewisconsin.offeringtree.com 
and register if you can. Please come in through the Urgent care door which opens at 9 a.m. Go all the way across to the other side of the lobby. Go through the E-F hallway to F. Conference room 1F is at the very end of the hallway. You can call the leader at 608.461.1464 if you can't find the room.

Kevala Retreat (was Liberation Park): Wednesday, December 12 at 6:30 pm at Bridges (Wesley United Methodist) Church, corner of 8th and King.

Bhikkhu Buddhadasa on Nature and Ecology
At Cathy's suggestion, seconded by Ralph and myself, we will discuss this article  by Tavivat Puntarigvivat:

Tavivat is a Thai scholar who did his PhD at Temple on "Ajahn Buddhadasa and Liberation Theology." He continues to write about social issues from perspectives of Buddhist ethics and teachings.

How can a grounding in Buddhist social ethics and healthy living teachings help us find our voices to uphold what is worthwhile and skillfully, peacefully oppose what is destructive and evil in our society, politics, and economics? 

For location  and related information, please go here.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us. 

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at http://liberationpark.org/audio/index.htm

Next sessions:  January 9 & 23, 2019. We won't meet the day after Christmas.

Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche Sangha: Sunday, December 16our monthly meditation group meet on Sunday, December 16th instead. We will meet as usual from 10:30 - noon.

Here's the article by Pema Chodron that we will read together (you can read ahead too!) and discuss.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Kevala Retreat Center in September

La Crosse area Friends: Wednesday meditation & Dhamma inquiry - September 12th and September 26th -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th
(see important details below)

The torrential rains are over, for now, and we are in drying out mode. Many of us are also involved with repairing and rebuilding. Often, we want to return things to how there were we before or how we believe them to have been. Whether it be rebuilding a house in a flood plain, rehabbing the basement though it is likely to flood again next year, or holding onto a relationship that for years hasn't been what we thought it was, what motives drive such seemingly default responses?
  • What about the seeming status quo feels comfortable, reassuring, or right?
  • What forms of desire feed on such appearances, feelings, and assumptions?
  • Which meditation practices and wisdom teachings help you encounter realities more directly and forthrightly? 
We have the church's permission to meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, plus 5th Wednesdays when they occur. October 31st is a 5th Wednesday.

For New Meditators!  Let us know in advance and Santikaro can arrange to meet at 6:00 pm to give basic meditation instructions. Follow up instruction can also be arranged. Just reply to this email.

These teachings fall within the framework of the noble eightfold path and middle way, which are guided by the four ennobling realities. In the original presentation, the path is a harmonious weaving of 8 strands of Rightness, Intelligence, and Skill that culminates in True Knowing and Liberation. We regularly ask how the path can ground and guide us midst the challenges, storms, and provocations swirling around us and inside us. What are the realities of being mindful, kind, responsive, undistracted, and imperturbable midst the sorrows and the joys of this life we are given each day?

 Location information -- Important!  The church doors are usually locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock loudly if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St. 

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion. In winter, bring a blankie.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us.

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at http://liberationpark.org/audio/index.htm

Friday, August 31, 2018

Mindfulness Day September 29


Mindfulness Day
Gentle Effort Mindfulness
Saturday September 29, 2018
9 am – 4 pm
Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators who would like to cultivate beginner’s mind and have a day to practice
Attending half day is an option. Please indicate AM or PM
Place: Franciscan Spirituality Center
Please do not call Franciscan Spirituality Center to register for this class
Instructor: Vanee Songsiridej
Fee: free will donation

Please do not add www to this URL

You do not have to sign in to register. You can go directly to the program and register for the classes you plan to attend.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Kevala Retreat (formerly Liberation Park) in La Crosse in August

La Crosse area Friends: Wednesday meditation & Dhamma inquiry 
August 22nd at Wesley UMC  
August 22nd -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th 
(see important details below)

Following Kevala Retreat's first ever extended meditation retreat I continue to reflect on lessons learned by the 6 yogis, Jo Marie, and myself. One big impact was each meditator strengthening their ability to take a strong grounded "seat," which is physical, attitudinal, and mental. I would to pass along some of the skillful tricks (upaya) learned in this regard. 

Santikaro will lead a conversations on skillful means for preparing our meditations with a well-grounded "Dhamma seat." In addition to attention to posture, there are a number of ways that active engagement with breathing can clear the mind, settle restlessness, and more. Further, there are simple practices that help us have a supportive attitude to this adventure we emebark on every time we "sit."

Please come prepared to share experiences, contribute thoughts, and ask probing questions. What helps you most in starting meditations in "a good place"? We have the church's permission to meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, plus 5th Wednesdays when they occur. August 29th is a 5th Wednesday.

For New Meditators!  Let us know in advance and Santikaro can arrange to meet at 6:00 pm to give basic meditation instructions. Follow up instruction can also be arranged. Just reply to this email.

These teachings fall within the framework of the noble eightfold path and middle way, which are guided by the four ennobling realities. In the original presentation, the path is aharmonious weaving of 8 strands of Rightness, Intelligence, and Skill that culminates in TrueKnowing and Liberation. We regularly ask how the path can ground and guide us midst the challenges, storms, and provocations swirling around us and inside us. What are the realities of being mindful, kind, responsive, undistracted, and imperturbable midst the sorrows and the joys of this life we are given each day?

Location information -- Important!  The church doors are usually locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock loudly if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St.  

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion. In winter, bring a blankie.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us. 

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at http://liberationpark.org/audio/index.htm

Next sessions:  August 22nd, and perhaps 29th. September 12 and 26. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Kevala Retreat

 Liberation Park is now......
Kevala Retreat
As part of the maturing process of the last years, we have been feeling the need for a change of name. The word Kevala has come to have special meaning for us and now officially graces the name of valley and retreat. If you'd like to know more about the choice of name please click here.  A new website is in process (long overdue) and we'll let you know when it is fully functional. Both liberationpark.org and kevalaretreat.org will take you to our website.

Please come for retreat!
Visit this page to learn more about retreating in the valley. It's always a good time to renew or deepen your practice and we hope you find time to join us at Kevala.

The Solar Array is scheduled to begin installation next week, weather permitting! Thank You to everyone who has contributed to the effort. We are deeply appreciative. We are working with RENEW Wisconsin to create educational materials and a party will be scheduled for early September to celebrate the installation. We hope to see you there.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

March 4 It's Up to You

Frank and I are planning to host the monthly meditation group on March 4th from 10:30 - 12:00.

We will continue our reading together of It's Up To You, focusing on chapters 12 and 13. We will read them together so no need to read them ahead if you don't have the book.

Please let me know if you plan to come and if you prefer a cushion or a chair.

If you are new to the monthly meditation group, I can send you more information, please let me know.

Best - Sharon

Monday, January 1, 2018

March beginner mindfulness at Franciscan Spirituality Center

Mindfulness Practice for beginners

Four weeks of Mindfulness practice suitable for beginners and experienced meditators who would like to cultivate beginner’s mind.

Four weekly meetings in March on Wednesday evenings 6-8 pm March 7, 14, 21 and 28

Place: Franciscan Spirituality Center

Please do not call Franciscan Spirituality Center to register for this class

Instructor: Vanee Songsiridej

Requirement: attend at least 3 out 4 sessions

Preference: attend all four sessions

Fee: free will donation

Registration: www.mindfulnesslacrossewisconsin.offeringtree.com 

You do not have to sign in to register. You can go directly to the program and register for the classes you plan to attend.

January meditation - Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche group

I hope you are all having an enjoyable holiday season. Frank and I are planning to host the next monthly meditation gathering at our house on January 7th from 10:30 - noon.

We will read and discuss the next 2 chapter in It's UP To You; Chapters 10 & 11.

Please let me know if you are planning to attend and if you prefer a cushion or a chair.

Happy New Year!


Liberation Park Meditation in January - 3, 17, 31

La Crosse area Friends: Wednesday meditation & Dhamma inquiry
January 2018 at Wesley UMC
January 3rd -- Wesley UMC at King & 8th (see important details below)

We begin our 2018 encounters together on Wednesday, January 3, with the "law of nature," idappaccayata (conditionality). Everything depends. All happening are related to other happenings. First a talk by Ajahn Buddhadasa on this fundamental insight at the heart of Buddha-Dhamma.

Then a couple sessions with Santikaro relating practice with the dependent co-arising of dukkha, distress, and suffering. As always, there will be silent meditation and inquiring conversation connected with these themes this Wednesday.

What are the implications of the radicalness that everything depends? 
Please reflect on significant examples from your own life of how everything that happens is connected with lots of other happenings. In each case what are the significant co-happenings? 
On the other hand, all endings come about with other related things ending --
can you find examples of that in your personal experience?    

For New Meditators!  Let us know in advance and Santikaro can arrange to meet at 6:00 pm to give basic meditation instructions. Follow up instruction can also be arranged. Just reply to this email.
These teachings fall within the framework of the noble eightfold path and middle way. We regularly ask how the path can ground and guide us midst the challenges, storms, and provocations swirling around us and inside us. What are the realities of being mindful, kind, responsive, undistracted, and imperturbable midst the sorrows and the joys of this life we are given each day?

In the original presentation, the path is a harmonious weaving of 8 strands of Rightness, Intelligence, and Skill that culminates in True-Right Knowing and Liberation.
Location information -- Important!  The church doors are usually locked. The evening's hosts will arrive early to set up and meet you at the door. Please use the 721 King Street entrance, where one of us will be waiting to greet you. Knock loudly if you don't see anyone. There will be plenty of parking on the street. The church also has parking space off of 8th St. 

Meditation starts at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before then. The "Lounge" where we will be meeting has many chairs. If you prefer to sit on the floor, please bring your own mat and cushion. In winter, bring a blankie.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us.

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at http://liberationpark.org/audio/index.htm

Next sessions:  17th and 31st