Monday, January 21, 2019

Jan 23 meditation

The Diversity of Meditation Styles & Approaches 
This will be the first in our once a month series exploring a broad range of meditation styles and practices. This series supports an expanded repertoire of meditation skills and services as a basis for on-going discussions concerning the nature, purpose, and potential of meditation practice. For an outline of the series, please follow this link:

We will begin the series with a "heart practice" (guided), followed by a conversation on what this example of practice teaches us specifically
and about meditation in general. 

For location  and related information, please go here.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to Wesley UMC for kindly hosting us. 

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at

Next sessions:  February 13 & 27, 2019.