Friday, June 21, 2019

June 23 Meditation

We are meeting this Sunday  June 23, 2019 at 9:30-11:30 am for mindfulness meditation.
I am resending this with a fuller information.

We will have a short meditation, discuss a talk by Ajahn Thanissaro. This can be downloaded without charge from:

Free will donation to the site is always appreciated.

We will discuss the second talk. “The How and the Why” starting page 11. Please read this before the meeting.

We will continue to sit with the instruction using the information from the talk and then discussion.

RSVP if you are planning to join us 

Please go to and register if you can.

We are meeting at Gundersen Lutheran Onalaska Clinic at 3111 Gundersen Drive, Onalaska conference room 1F

Please go in through the Urgent care door (which will be the only door open for the building.)

The meeting will be on every 2nd and 4th Sundays.
The Urgent care door opens at 9 AM. Meeting will be from 9:30-11:30

We are using conference room 1F

Please come in through the Urgent care door. Go all the way across to the other side of the lobby. Go through the E-F hallway to F.  Conference room 1F is at the very end of the hallway. You can call me at 608.461.1464 if you can't find the room.

RSVP if you are planning to join us or not join us

Please dress in layers. I am not sure how the temperature will be for everyone. Bring warming clothes, blankets if you tend to be cold. Make sure that you have light clothing on if you tend to be warm. We will not be able to adjust the thermostat on our own.

Bring a cushion for your back or feet or to sit on if you need those.

I would also like to request that you share similar experiences and what help your growth and development and refrain from directly giving instruction or advice to other participants unless directly requested by the individual.



Sunday, June 9, 2019

La Crosse meditation June 16

Frank and I will be hosting the monthly meditation at our home, next Sunday, June 16th starting promptly 10:30 - Noon. Our address is 1832 22nd Street South, La Crosse.

Here is an article from Lion's Roar for discussion. Please let me know if you would like a chair or a cushion.

Hope to see you soon!
Warmly - Sharon

Saturday, June 8, 2019

La Crosse Meditation June 12

June 12 --  Bridges UMC at King & 8th
(see important details below)

Why do we meditate?       

(the Diversity of Meditation Styles & Approaches 8)
In our survey of the variety of meditation styles, we encounter our meditation hopes, aims, and purposes. Recognizing and examining these aspirations and objectives is part of skillful meditation practice. There are the reasons for meditating that we tell ourselves. And there are motivations and influences that are less overt. Let's explore these together.

Please ponder these questions and join our sharing this Wednesday:
  • What gets you on the cushion? And to Sangha? 
  • When you think of a 'good meditation,' what makes it good? 
  • How does meditation benefit your life and those around you?
You may wish to bring a cushion that can support your back well and a large towel for better bottom support. Good posture is more comfortable and aids letting go. 

Our once a month series explores a broad range of meditation styles and practices. This series supports an expanded repertoire of meditation skills and serves as a basis for on-going discussions concerning the nature, purpose, and potential of meditation practice. For an outline of the series, please follow this link:

For location  and related information, please go here.

Dāna (donations, gifts, free-will offerings) to sustain Liberation Park and support our work are most welcome. Santikaro and Liberation Park depend on donations as sole means of support. Liberation Park in turn makes donations to  Bridges UMC for kindly hosting us. 

A sampler of Santikaro's talks from La Crosse and elsewhere are posted at

Next sessions:  June 26th and July 10th, 2019. 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Santikaro talks begin June 20

Santikaro, a local Buddhist teacher, is presenting a series of talks on the Noble Path of Practice as sketched by the Buddha. 
The Buddha was interested solely in suffering and how to live free of it. Neither theorist, nor religious authority, the Buddha’s gift is the noble path, the middle way, the eightfold path of living without suffering. This Way of Life is guided by wise, skillful understanding and wise, compassionate aspiration. Mindfulness weaves the various elements together. A sturdy ethical foundation and lifestyle based in values of kindness, simplicity, courage, and generosity is its chassis. 

The heart-mind trainings -- known as meditation -- penetrate to the nature of our mind-body experience and such insight opens us to greater freedom and peace. Petty, egoistic attitudes and behaviors diminish.

Santikaro will draw out the practical implications of these teachings, based in the early Buddhist record. They challenge us concerning our world views and values, ethics, inner-awareness, commitment and perseverance, compassion, and understanding of mind-bodies. Collectively, they show us how the path coalesces into a balanced, unified Dhamma-centered life focused on awakening. Central to this Middle Way is seeing experience in terms of natural processes rather than "me" and "mine."
Whatever your spiritual orientation, the down-to-earth pragmatism of these teachings will give you food for reflection. Previous knowledge of Buddhism is not required; while open-minded inquiry is essential.
Last summer, Santikaro introduced "Under the Bodhi Tree," a book edited and translated by him from talks of his teacher, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. This series compliments those sessions.
These talks with Q&A will be held at Yoga for Life Studio, 500 E. Jefferson St., Viroqua, in the Landmark Building Room 105 starting on June 20 with subsequent talks on July 18, Aug. 8 and Sept. 19. Starting time is 7 p.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m. There is no fee for the class but you will be able to make a donation if you wish.
Contact Charlie Knower at or 608-620-8785 to register.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

September Meditation Sessions in Onalaska

Four weeks Mindfulness classes

Saturdays September 14, 21, 28 and October 5th, 2019 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. at the Onalaska Public Library meeting room, 741 Oak Ave S,  Onalaska, WI 54650

Mindfulness meditation is the art of cultivating the skills to live life fully. Rather than withdrawing from the world, mindfulness can help you enjoy it more fully, effectively and peacefully.

Each class is a combination of practice, instruction and group discussion in a supportive environment.

Your instructor, Vanee Songsiridej, is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. She has years of experience practicing and teaching mindfulness meditation. She has taught Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction programs since 1992.

The mindfulness program is committed to intentionally welcoming people of all races, faiths, ethnic backgrounds, gender expression and sexual orientations.

Beginners and anyone who is interested in attending are welcome.

No fee.

Free will donations are accepted.


Please do not add www to this URL.

You do not have to sign in to register. You can go directly to the program to register.