Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche Sangha

Monthly Meditation Group Invitation

The Third Sunday of each month from 10:30am - 12:00pm

Located at: 1832 22nd Street South, La Crosse

You are invited to join my husband, Frank, and I for a time of meditation and study based on Buddhist teachings. This is an informal small group gathering which will be held once a month in our home. We begin sitting at 10:30, so you are welcome to come a bit beforehand to settle in.

We have cushions and chairs available, please let us know which you prefer so we can set up the shrine room accordingly.

Each month we meditate for 30 minutes and then read & discuss teachings from a variety of articles. We are also open to any suggestions for topics related to meditation and Buddhism.

I send out a monthly email invitation/reminder, including the reading selection if you would like to read it ahead of time, though this is not necessary as we will also read it as a group.

If at any time you wish to be removed from the email group list, please let me know.

If you have any further questions or need directions, please feel free to contact, Sharon Lukert: or 563-794-1244.

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